Postural Training.
Helping you achieve optimal posture.
Poor posture can result in:
- Headaches
- Pain and aches in the neck and back
- Stiff or tight joints and muscles which will restrict our movement
- Muscle imbalances that can impair our performance in sport and work
- Spinal curvature and a ‘hunched’ back shape
Postural training is great benefits both young and old alike. In adolescence, we work to stop any bad habits before they become permanent and instead develop good postural habits to prevent pain or injury in later life.
In adults, postural training will help to relieve existing symptoms and stop them from coming back, restore the range of motion at the joints and generally improve the quality of life during daily movement.
Your Appointment
At Optimise Health, postural training involves conducting a thorough postural examination and identifying any abnormalities and poor habits that are having a negative impact on your body. After talking through these in the context of your symptoms, our Toowoomba physios teach you about the right posture for you, prescribe a series of stretching and strengthening exercises, and may use joint mobilisation, strapping, dry needling or clinical pilates to get you on your way to feeling your best.