Toowoomba Podiatry

Biomechanical Examination.

A biomechanical examination is a comprehensive assessment of the joints, bones, muscles and ligaments of the feet, legs and pelvis, relating to your issue or injury. We analyse the way your body functions together to get you moving and feeling steady on your feet. By assessing what is and isn’t working effectively, we are able to identify potential causes of injuries as well as how to optimise lower limb function so you can move effectively and for longer, without tiring or pain.

Testing includes:

  • Range of motion through the joints
  • Proprioception (balance)
  • Muscle strength testing
  • Foot Posture Index
  • Palpation of affected structures
  • Comprehensive video gait analysis
  • Force and pressure testing
  • Footwear check

This exam helps us make an accurate diagnosis of your complaint and prescribe the appropriate treatment and management plan. At Optimise Health, we pride ourselves on our thorough assessments and exams and routinely perform this exam as part of our commitment to clinical excellence and providing you with the best outcomes.

It’s very important for us to not only address your current symptoms but identify the cause of the pain so that it doesn’t happen again. You can watch more about why this is so important. 

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