We’d love to introduce you to our new Podiatry Technician, Cathy. With a certificate 4 in Allied Health Assistance, she is able to assist our podiatrists and help out with a number of treatments here in the clinic. She is a people person and thrives on helping out others in whatever way she can and this is what prompted her study, upskilling from one of our administrators to the podiatry technician role.
She greatly values family, integrity, and respect – understanding the impact of mutual respect and care. Outside of work, Cathy tries to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle because of her love for cooking and enjoys her time spent with friends and family. She has been known to get creative with arts and craft, and has even dabbled with some woodwork in the past. Cathy loves working here at Optimise Health and values the friendships that she’s made with her co-workers who she considers her second family.